Self Symmetry

Bowen Theory:
Societal Emotional Process

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Societal Emotional Process (Bowen Theory)

Each concept in Bowen theory applies to nonfamily groups, such as work and social organizations. The concept of societal emotional process describes how the emotional system governs behavior on a societal level, promoting both progressive and regressive periods in a society. Cultural forces are important in how a society functions but are insufficient for explaining the ebb and flow in how well societies adapt to the challenges that face them. Bowen's first clue about parallels between familial and societal emotional functioning came from treating families with juvenile delinquents. The parents in such families give the message, "We love you no matter what you do." Despite impassioned lectures about responsibility and sometimes harsh punishments, the parents give in to the child more than they hold the line. The child rebels against the parents and is adept at sensing the uncertainty of their positions. The child feels controlled and lies to get around the parents. He is indifferent to their punishments. The parents try to control the child but are largely ineffectual.

Bowen discovered that during the 1960s the courts became more like the parents of delinquents. Many in the juvenile court system considered the delinquent as a victim of bad parents. They tried to understand him and often reduced the consequences of his actions in the hope of effecting a change in his behavior. If the delinquent became a frequent offender, the legal system, much like the parents, expressed its disappointment and imposed harsh penalties. This recognition of a change in one societal institution led Bowen to notice that similar changes were occurring in other institutions, such as in schools and governments. The downward spiral in families dealing with delinquency is an anxiety-driven regression in functioning. In a regression, people act to relieve the anxiety of the moment rather than act on principle and a long-term view. A regressive pattern began unfolding in society after World War II. It worsened some during the 1950s and rapidly intensified during the 1960s. The "symptoms" of societal regression include a growth of crime and violence, an increasing divorce rate, a more litigious attitude, a greater polarization between racial groups, less principled decision-making by leaders, the drug abuse epidemic, an increase in bankruptcy, and a focus on rights over responsibilities.

Human societies undergo periods of regression and progression in their history. The current regression seems related to factors such as the population explosion, a sense of diminishing frontiers, and the depletion of natural resources. Bowen predicted that the current regression would, like a family in a regression, continue until the repercussions stemming from taking the easy way out on tough issues exceeded the pain associated with acting on a long-term view. He predicted that will occur before the middle of the twenty-first century and should result in human beings living in more harmony with nature.


Jillian Chelsey, MA

MFT # 46156

Jillian Chesley, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, has spent the past twenty years focused on understanding human behavior in relationships. With a passion for inspiring individuals to claim their own personal excellence, Jillian’s expertise is understanding interpersonal dynamics, and successfully coaching individuals, couples, families and groups into reaching their highest self. Jillian’s background includes a Bachelor of Arts degree in Organizational Communication, a ten year career as a Technical/Corporate Instructor and ten years providing coaching with a Master of Arts degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. In addition to her private practice, Jillian has taught psychology and management classes for University Of Phoenix and is completing her book Mental Health For Consumers.

When working with clients, whether individually, in couple's/family therapy, or in groups, Jillian's primary theoretical focus is Bowen Theory.

Bowen Theory is a comprehensive way of thinking that has proven to be effective, not only with families, but in all realms of individual and relationship problems.

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Santa Cruz, CA, USA

Office: Santa Cruz, California

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